Porn & the Christian - Part 2 of 3

I would encourage anyone who is serious about conquering sexual bondage issues to google, “The Conquer Series”.   This is a series I have become familiar with and am using in ministry. The “7 Pillars of Freedom” is also excellent.  These resources can be found on the”Pure Desire” website.

The Christian church can be a place of slumber and sleep. My desire is to wake up the church to the epidemic of pornography. Did you know sadly, a recent, quality research study. produced some very alarming date regarding the use of pornography and the church.  Almost 70% of men in the church are using pornography in one fashion or another.  70 PERCENT!  This means the minority are NOT engaging in sexual bondage practices. It is time for a wake up!

Christian counselors, marriage therapists, and other helping professionals regularly see the symptoms of a wounded heart. Unfortunately, one of the main fall-outs is the use of porn.  Take heart. There is help!!!  It will not be easy.  The brain, the soul, the spirit are all at war with sexual bondage issues.  The “Conquer Series” mentioned above is a great place to start.  It will challenge you in every part of your life.