Porn & the Christian - Part 1 of 3

Christian counselors often have to deal with the issue of pornography.  It is so incredibly sad what this issue is doing to individuals and marriages.

I am going to spend “a few blogs” to share my concern on this topic.  If churches, pastors, lay people are not willing to face this epidemic with courage and honesty, then there could be devastating harm to pay.

Did you know porn can be like a drug?  Google “pornography use” and “the human brain” and you will get all kinds of information about the drug of porn.  I will say this right away.  If we do not understand a person’s use of pornography or sexual addiction in a holistic way, then we can only make the user feel worse and more hopeless.  A Christian counselor who only looks at the problem of pornography through a spiritual lens can really limit the opportunity for healing and true change.

I will share one example.  Let’s say an afflicted porn user comes to see a Christian counselor.  He or she shares about this nasty affliction and what it is doing to their marriage and individual soul.  The counselor hears the story and symptoms, and then goes into all the ways they need to become more spiritually self-disciplined.  In other words, just try harder!

I am appealing for a bigger picture. I am a follower of Jesus.  And this temple I live in can get broken down in very complicated ways.  We need to be cognizant of how the human brain can affect the spiritual, emotional, mental, and relational.  Soon I will be commencing small groups for men.  We will be going through a powerful DVD series, called Conquer-Series.   It is holistic and needs to be.  Why?  Because pornography like so many issues is multi-faceted and needs to be addressed with a broader understanding.