
This ministry has been what our marriage has needed for a long time. We had tried many other types of help, but you gave us the awareness and tools to move toward each other.

John H

I have tried secular and Christian counseling.  It seems they could only grab pieces, not the whole.  Caring for the Heart-Restoration went to the source.  The prayer focus and the heart focus allowed me to experience healing at a depth I have never experienced in my 55 years.


We thank you for restoring our family. I cannot say thank you enough for the time you took with us and the difference your ministry has made to our entire family!

Shelly T.

I heard about this ministry though a friend.  We needed a marriage overhaul.  What we experienced not only greatly impacted our marriage, but both of us individually.  I was detached and self-protected from deep rejection issues.  Through prayer, understanding my core pain, Jesus came in powerful ways to my heart's needs!   Thank you Jesus for this ministry!


Betrayal and mistrust has slowly been replaced with genuine understanding, forgiveness, and an ability to not react to my spouse in such a personal way.

Susan A

Thanks for your unconditional, no pressure approach. I love your appealing to the heart with helping people. I realized I was overpowering my spouse and children with non-appeal judgments. I am working hard at appealing to those I love and they are responding much better to my communication.

I believe this ministry is anointed by God.  The church needs a place where individuals/marriages can come and be restored.  This ministry is definitely one of those cool places.      Jon